Paolo Gerbaudo
An exciting and invigorating journey through the modern politics of dissent
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Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou
A bold new theory of ISIS, revealing its profound impact on the very nature of contemporary political violence
Ben Fine
Forcibly demonstrates how social capital has expanded across the social sciences only by degrading the different disciplines it touches.
Joss Hands
Examines the transformation of politics through digital media, including digital television, online social networking and mobile computing.
Henry Bell
A literary biography of one of the early heroes of radical Scottish Independence.
Max Haiven
What can we learn about capitalism by looking at artworks that take money as their subject?
Gregory Sholette
Shows that the elite of the art world are sustained by new forms and styles created by artists outside the mainstream.
Paul Chatterton
A toolkit for realising a more sustainable and co-operative urban future.
Andrés Manuel López Obrador
The newly elected left-wing President sets out his programme for a new Mexico.
Leigh Russell
Glyn Ford
There are many roads to war, but only one path to peace in North Korea
Donatella Della Ratta
What has been the impact of visual media on the Syrian conflict?
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