Enzo Traverso
A provocative take on Jewish history, explaining the metamorphoses of mainstream Jewish culture and politics
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Margaret Stevens
A groundbreaking history of Communist organisations and struggle in the Caribbean, focusing on women, peasants of colour and black workers
Edited by Kim Wiltshire and Billy Cowan
An exploration of radical political theatre in Britain from 1968 to present day.
Greg McLaughlin
A critical analysis of war reporting, perfect for aspiring journalists
Robin Yassin-Kassab and Leila Al-Shami
A vivid look at a modern-day political and humanitarian nightmare.
Martin Barker and Thomas Austin
A jargon-free and accessible introduction to film analysis
Marianne Maeckelbergh
The new model for democracy is found in grassroots movements
Charles Umney
How class is structured in the cachains of modern Britain.ll centres, office blocks and fast-food
Cihan Aksan and Jon Bailes
Chomsky, Butler, Finkelstein and other leading commentators discuss state terrorism.
Elisabeth Schober
Ethnographic introduction to the social, economic and political factors that have contributed to tensions on the ground over US bases in South Korea
Halil Karaveli
A radical history of Turkey, from the end of the Ottoman Empire to the present day, rejecting traditional narratives of a 'clash of civilisations'
John Holloway
A groundbreaking guide to moving beyond capitalism, which shows that radical change can only come from exploiting 'cracks' in the system.
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