Disaster in His Wake
Ray Noyes
Publisher: Wordcatcher Publishing
The Making of Horatio Evans
Ardent communist, defender of the proletariat, and bin man, Horatio is convinced he has a calling to transform the village of Abertump and wake it from its sleep. Self-appointed leader of men, his confidence knows no bounds, even when disaster stares him in the face.
From school expulsion to army court martial, he seems destined to confront authority. His desire to go his own way leads to some DIY disasters as he sets up his own Kremlin in his tiny terraced house. Using cast-offs from the village and sand from the beach, his lean-to quickly becomes a dangerous lean-over. His problem-solving skills also leave much to be desired, as he cuts a wardrobe in half to move it upstairs, and fits a new fireplace while the old one is still alight.
Follow HoratioÕs exploits and spare a thought for Gladys, his permanently-on-the-verge-of-death wife.