Falling from the Clouds

How Coyote Realised His World Was Smaller Than He Thought

Ian Cooke-Tapia

Coyote knows everything there is to know about his homeland. From the sea to the east,to the ocean to the west; it is all known to him. He knows the desert and the plains and the spires. Coyote knows too how to get any creature and the land itself do what he wants and believe it is their idea. One day, as Coyote walks the clouds in search of food, he notices a creature he had never seen before. Meeting Khirkinchu, the Giant Armadillo, makes Coyote realise that the world he thinks he knows is small indeed. And that just canÕt do! He is Coyote, and he should know everything there is to know about the world. Full of curiosity and energy Coyote sets out in search of the southern lands. Yet Kirkinchu warns him that he will never reach them unless he meets the King of the Vultures.


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