Tapping the Source

Kem Nunn

People came to Huntington Beach in search of the endless party, the ultimate high and the perfect wave. Ike Tucker came to look for his sister and for the three men who may have murdered her. In that place of gilded surfers and sun-bleached blondes, Ike looked into the shadows and found parties that drifted towards pointless violence, joyless violations and highs you might never come down from... and a sea of old hatreds and dreams gone bad

'Perhaps the ultimate beach read' - Pif Magazine

'What Hemingway's Nick Adams did for fishing, Kem Nunn does for surfing. Through the sensibility of its hero and the sensitivity of its author, Tapping the Source puts you there and makes you understand' - Saturday Review

'Tense and driven with a sense of the apocalypse around the corner' - Washington Post

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