Robert B Parker's Little White Lies

Ace Atkins

Boston PI Spenser, and right hand man Hawk, follow a con man's trail of smoke and mirrors in the latest of the iconic crime series.

Connie Kelly thought she'd found her perfect man on an online dating site. He was silver-haired and handsome, with a mysterious background working for the CIA. She fell so hard for M Brooks Welles that she wrote him a cheque for almost three hundred thousand dollars, hoping for a big return on her investment. But within weeks, both Welles and her money are gone.

Enter Spenser, who quickly discovers that everything about Welles is phony. His name, his resumé, and his client list are nothing but an elaborate fraud. But uncovering the truth and keeping Welles alive long enough to recover the money won't be easy, as he'll have to protect the mystery man from a growing list of adversaries looking for revenge. As the trail winds from Boston to backroads Georgia, Spenser will need help from trusted allies Hawk and Teddy Sapp to make sure Welles's next con is his last.

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