
Ted Lewis

Publisher: No Exit

A new edition of the classic crime novel from the author of Get Carter

Two men share a common history. Growing up together in the small town of Barton-Upon-Humber in Lincolnshire, England, Peter Knott is everything that Brian Plender wishes he were. Knott is suave, good-looking, an exemplary student and popular. The friendship they maintain is as important to Plender as it is forgettable to Knott, and eventually leads to a lasting humiliation for Brian.

Years later Brian Plender is a dangerous man; a private investigator who specializes in extortion, blackmail, and intimidation. Knott meanwhile is a family man adrift, beholden to his wife for money.

When, at a bar he uses to set up marks, Plender spots Knott with a girl way too young to be his wife he decides to follow the pair and see what happens. What follows is an edge-of-your-seat trip into a nightmare story that manages to be both incredibly creepy and eerily profound.

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Ted Lewis

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