Lethal Profit

Alex Blackmore

Publisher: No Exit

Inspired by Henning Mankell's heroes, combined with the action of a Harlan Coben thriller and the conspiracy undertones of a Robert Ludlum plot, Lethal Profit is a high-octane conspiracy thriller that will have you gripped to the last page.

In the darkest parts of the City of Light Eva Scott is searching for her brother's killers.

She is caught up in a tangle of deception he left behind, facing violent assault, brutal murderers and deeply embedded corporate corruption.

At the heart of it is a dirty biotech business making a lethal profit from compromising human health.

Behind that, an organisation with a devastating viral blackmail tool.

Their targets? Global power, capital and manipulation.

And Eva.

'This is immensely lively fare, delivered with a skill that belies the fact that this is the author's first novel' - Crime Time

'An exciting, fast-moving conspiracy thriller in the classic Hitchcock mould' - bestselling author, Emlyn Rees

'A down-and-dirty tale of survival, a la Taken; a hi-tech corporate thriller; a '70s style political conspiracy; a Bond-style spy drama. That's a heady, intoxicating mix' - Crime Thriller Fella

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