Haints Stay

An Acid Western

Colin Winnette

Brooke and Sugar are contract killers without a contract. Bird is the boy who mysteriously woke beside them while between towns. For miles, there is only desert and wilderness, and along the fringes, people.

The story follows Bird, and the middling bounty hunters after they've been chased from town, each in pursuit of their own sense of belonging and justice. It features gunfights, cannibalism, bar-room piano, a transgender birth, a wagon train, a stampede, and the tenuous rise of the West's first one-armed gunslinger.

Haints Stay is a new Acid Western in the tradition of Rudolph Wurlitzer, Kelly Reichardt's Meek's Cutoff,and Jim Jarmusch's Dead Man: meaning it is brutal, surreal, and possesses an unsettling humour.

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