An Honorable Man

Paul Vidich

'Cold War spy fiction in the grand tradition, neatly plotted betrayals in that shadow world where no one can be trusted and agents are haunted by their own moral compromises' - Joseph Kanon, New York Times bestselling author of Istanbul Passage and The Good German

Washington D. C., 1953. The Cold War is heating up: McCarthyism, with all its fear and demagoguery, is raging in the nation's capital, and Joseph Stalin's death has left a dangerous power vacuum in the Soviet Union.

The CIA, meanwhile, is reeling from a double agent within their midst. Someone is selling secrets to the Soviets, compromising missions around the globe. Undercover agents have been assassinated, and anti-Communist plots are being cut short in ruthlessly efficient fashion. The CIA director knows any news of the traitor, whose code name is Protocol, would be a national embarrassment and compromise the entire agency.

George Mueller seems to be the perfect man to help find the mole: Yale-educated; extensive experience running missions in Eastern Europe; an operative so dedicated to his job that it left his marriage in tatters. The Director trusts him. Mueller, though, has secrets of his own, and as he digs deeper into the case, making contact with a Soviet agent, suspicion begins to fall on him as well. Until Protocol is found, no one can be trusted, and everyone is at risk.

'As I read An Honorable Man, I kept coming back to George Smiley and The Spy Who Came in from the Cold. That’s how good this book is. Pick up this book. You’ll love it’ – Michael Harvey, New York Times-bestselling author of The Chicago Way and The Governor’s Wife

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Other books by Paul Vidich

The Good Assassin

The sequel to An Honorable Man

Paul Vidich

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